Windows Powershell Primer Ebook


Jun 12, 2014  Microsoft Windows PowerShell Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Third Edition. The third edition of this book is a PowerShell scripting primer for either PowerShell 3.0 or PowerShell 4.0. Regardless of which version of PowerShell you are working with, this unique book has you covered. After reading MICROSOFT WINDOWS POWERSHELL FOR THE ABSOLUTE.

Book Name: Windows PowerShell Best Practices
Author: Ed Wilson
ISBN-10: 978-0-7356-6649-8
Year: 2014
Pages: 736
Language: English
File size: 92.9 MB
File format: PDF

Windows PowerShell Best Practices Book Description:

Automate system administration using Windows PowerShell Best Practices and optimize your operational efficiency. With this practical guide, Windows PowerShell expert and instructor Ed Wilson delivers field-tested tips, real-world examples, and candid advice culled from administrators across a range of business and technical scenarios. If you’re an IT professional with Windows PowerShell experience, this book is ideal.

Ah, PowerShell. A simple blue window and some text has transformed the world of Windows administration from a point-and-click GUI to scripts that automate everything, as well as provide log rotation and identity lifecycle management and which server receives which updates.

With everything in the newest versions of Windows Server accessible primarily via PowerShell and only secondarily (and sometimes even not at all) via the server's GUI, PowerShell knowledge has become a must. Sometimes, though, it is difficult to know whether you are proceeding correctly. Luckily, there are other resources available that will help speed you along in your training and your professional responsibilities.

In this slideshow, I will highlight 9 resources for immersing yourself in the PowerShell world. Whether you're writing scripts, working in a DevOps-oriented environment or administering software from vendors other than Microsoft using PowerShell, there is something for everyone in this group of resources. And best of all -- they are all free, save for one excellent paid product.

Powershell Primer

What are you waiting for? Let's dive in.