See Eugene A. Nida and Charles R. Taber, The Theory and Practice of Translation (Leiden: E. Brill, 1974) and Jan de Waard and Eugene A. Nida, From One. 4Nida and Taber, Theory and Practice of Translation, p. The Problem with Formal Correspondence. It does not produce an accurate translation which the reader can interpret for.
By JENNIFER ELLA WEHRMEYER, November 2001 -- This research aimed to determine whether the rejection by Russian Orthodox Church leaders of recent translations of the Bible into Russian could be ascribed to a conflict of Russian and Western... more
By JENNIFER ELLA WEHRMEYER, November 2001 -- This research aimed to determine whether the rejection by Russian Orthodox Church leaders of recent translations of the Bible into Russian could be ascribed to a conflict of Russian and Western translation norms. Using Lefevere's (1992) notion of systems, the study compared the norms of Russian Bible translations, Western Bible translation and Russian literary translation, as well as those of a segment of the target audience, to determine the extent of their compatibility with each other and with the translations in question. The results showed that the recent translations did reflect the norms of Western Bible translation, but that these were not atypical of norms for previous Russian and Slavonic translations, nor for the norms of Russian literary translation. However, the results also showed that in practice target audience norms mirrored those of the Russian Orthodox Church, resulting in a similar rejection of the newer translations.
(This dissertation was made available at the following website:
(This dissertation was made available at the following website:
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In that paper, I tried to examine the translation process of Homodeus, written by Yuval Noah Harrari, into Turkish, carried on Poyzan Nur Taneli. I also tried to explain which strategies and methods she applied, and why.
- by Buğrahan Duymaz
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This is an older study that puts together some assorted thoughts on the subject. For a more theoretical, text-oriented perspective, see at:... more
This is an older study that puts together some assorted thoughts on the subject. For a more theoretical, text-oriented perspective, see at:
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The linguistic-hermeneutic paradigm that defines the dominant conceptualisation (and praxis) of translation is the result of a precise history, that is to say the consequence of translation experiences that have occurred in a precise... more
The linguistic-hermeneutic paradigm that defines the dominant conceptualisation (and praxis) of translation is the result of a precise history, that is to say the consequence of translation experiences that have occurred in a precise geographic, cultural and epistemic space: that of Western modernity. With this in mind, it becomes urgent to produce a critical genealogy of the European understanding of translation, in order to identify its philosophical premises. This unveiling will allow us to measure the ethical and political significance of the epistemic attitudes that these assumptions generate. Furthermore, it is necessary to investigate the philosophical legitimacy of these assumptions, that is, to understand their arbitrariness and contingency. In other words, it is necessary, on the one hand, to deconstruct them in order to open up other possibilities and, on the other hand, to assume an attitude of epistemic disobedience so as to build other avenues for translation theory and practice.
- by Angelo Vannini
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The academic discipline of translation studies is only half a century old and even younger in the field of bilateral translation between Japanese and Turkish. This book is the second volume of the world’s first academic book on... more
The academic discipline of translation studies is only half a century old and even younger in the field of bilateral translation between Japanese and Turkish. This book is the second volume of the world’s first academic book on Turkish↔Japanese translation. While this volume gathered discussions on translation studies with theoric and applied aspects, literature, linguistics, and philosophy, the second volume deals with the history of translation, philosophy, culture education, language education, and law. It also covers the translation of historical materials and divan poetry. These books will be the first steps to discuss and develop various aspects of the field. Such compilation brings together experienced and young Turkology and Japanology scholars as well as academics linked to translation studies and translation, and also translators. Both volumes contain 24 essays written by twenty-two writers from Japan, Turkey, USA and China.
- by Esin ESEN
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Edited by Daniel Weissbort and Astradur Eynsteinsson, 2006 (This text was made available at the following website:
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The translators constitute facing a challenge in the translation of Arabic verbal emphasis structure. Therefore, this study investigates the translation of Arabic verbal emphasis category and its subcategories into English from semantic... more
The translators constitute facing a challenge in the translation of Arabic verbal emphasis structure. Therefore, this study investigates the translation of Arabic verbal emphasis category and its subcategories into English from semantic and pragmatic perspectives. It draws upon an examination of several translations of these emphatic devices and structures into English. Specifically, it draws upon the translations of Naguib Mahfouz's novels The Thief and the Dogs (1961), Children of Gebalawi (1988) and the Harafish (2013) and Ghassan Kanafani's short stories Palestine's Children (2000). The study highlights the erroneous strategies adopted by the translators of these literary works and suggests more suitable alternative translations. As a result of several mismatches between Arabic and English leads to such errors. This study attempts to handle a gape in literature and help translators to overcome the obstacles they may face in rendering such Arabic structures in English. The article concludes that translating Arabic verbal emphatic structure into English would be affected by the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic symmetries and asymmetries between the two languages.
- by Haitham Al-Yousef
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Review of translated books should be done with a big eye on translators work. This paper investigates Del Zoppo's poetics in her translation of Kruso, novel by German poet and novelist Lutz Seiler.
- by Daniele Petruccioli
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Bedeuten bis zum Ende-Beckett übersetzt Beckett: It's human, a lobster couldn't do it. Abstract Indem Samuel Becketts bidirektionaler Textkorpus, die ständig neue Überschreibung der eigenen Texte, die Kategorie des Originals unterläuft,... more

Bedeuten bis zum Ende-Beckett übersetzt Beckett: It's human, a lobster couldn't do it. Abstract Indem Samuel Becketts bidirektionaler Textkorpus, die ständig neue Überschreibung der eigenen Texte, die Kategorie des Originals unterläuft, hebelt sie die Bedeutung, scheinbar, mit aus, welche dem Text über Becketts Autorität verliehen werden soll. Seine Selbst-Übersetzung ist ein Endspiel, d.h. ohne Ende, eine unmögliche 'Aufgabe', um den Text all seiner Bedeutung zu entleeren. In diesem Anspruch ist sich Beckett mit dem Positivismus der ideal language philosophy einig, in der Anerkennung der Grenzen der Sprache ist er ihm voraus. So verbindet sich Becketts Schreiben mit seinem Geschriebenen, seinem Fin de Partie. Beckett, so die These, zeigt nicht die totale Bedeutungslosigkeit, sondern die Unmöglichkeit nichts zu bedeuten. Die Figuren offenbaren im Stück ihr Verstrickt-Sein in Worten und Geschichten, vor allem in die Geschichte von Noah, Gott und der Arche, in die große Geschichte der Eschatologie, von denen sie sich nicht befreien können: 'Ah, les vieilles questions, les vielles réponses, il n'y a que ça!' Becketts Selbst-Übersetzungspraxis erweist sich vor dem Hintergrund des Fin de partie als eine Strategie, die Bedeutungslosigkeit zu erreichen, als Versuch, die Kontrolle über die Sprache zurück zu erlangen, indem sie bis zum Null-Punkt geführt wird, nur um ihre, und das heißt unsere eigenen, Grenzen anzuerkennen.
- by Maximilian Gindorf
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In The Lord of the Rings, Book III, Chapter 3 (‘The Uruk-hai’), Pippin is threatened by an unnamed Mordor-orc who utters the following Orcish oath: “Uglúk u bagronk sha pushdug Saruman-glob búbhosh skai”. Although the context makes it... more
Theories And Practice Of Translation In Kiswahili
In The Lord of the Rings, Book III, Chapter 3 (‘The Uruk-hai’), Pippin is threatened by an unnamed Mordor-orc who utters the following Orcish oath: “Uglúk u bagronk sha pushdug Saruman-glob búbhosh skai”. Although the context makes it clear that this curse is an unflattering description of Saruman and the orcs of Isengard, the problem for students of Tolkien's invented languages is that Tolkien provided three different translations of the curse, none of which was published during his lifetime or necessarily even reflected his precise intentions at the time of writing. As Christopher Tolkien has noted, “it seems clear that my father was at this time devising interpretations of the words, whatever he may have intended them to mean when he first wrote them” (HoMe XII: xii). Yet some reconciliation of Tolkien's divergent translations seems possible if we take into account: (1) various clues as to Tolkien's original intentions in the main text, appendices, and drafts of the novel; (2) the complex and fragmentary nature of Orcish speech as presented by Tolkien; and (3) the usual perils of translation between very different idioms. To anticipate, this paper will suggest that all three of Tolkien's translations were actually correct in one or more Orcish dialects. In defence of this suggestion, a detailed word-by-word analysis of the Mordor-orc's curse is undertaken, as well as an exploration of the origins and development of the so-called 'Orcish' dialects of debased Black Speech.
History And Practice Of Translation
- by Marc Zender
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An interview with Chad W. Post about translation prizes and the general state of literary translation in the United States.
- by Steven G Kellman
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The 9th Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies will be hosted in South Africa, at Stellenbosch University, from 9 to 13 September 2019. We look forward to exploring the congress theme of Living Translation: People,... more
The 9th Congress of the European Society for Translation Studies will be hosted in South Africa, at Stellenbosch University, from 9 to 13 September 2019. We look forward to exploring the congress theme of Living Translation: People, Processes, Products with colleagues from around the world. (
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Learners' characteristics are considered to be one of the most crucial factors that affect learners' management and performance of all language skills and activities has formed a focal point of study and interest on the part of the... more
Learners' characteristics are considered to be one of the most crucial factors that affect learners' management and performance of all language skills and activities has formed a focal point of study and interest on the part of the majority of scholars specialized in language teaching, learning, and acquisition. This is so because linguistic characteristics uncovers the ways that learners learn the new language, their strategies in memorizing new words, their attendance, and their participation. This study attempts to investigate the linguistic characteristics of EFL university students. It hypothesizes that there are no differences between male and female university students towards learning English. To bring about the aims and test the hypothesis, a questionnaire has been administered to a randomly selected sample of 95 EFL 2nd year and 3 rd students at the Dept. of English Language, College of Humanities, University of Zakho, Kurdistan Region, Iraq during the second term of the academic year 2016-2017. The quantitative and qualitative data collected by means of the questionnaire reveal that (1) students in the sample have effective linguistic characteristics while learning EFL, and (2) there is no statistically significant differences between the male and female students on the basis of gender in general.
- by Idrees Zebari
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This study aims to analyze the process of translation in Bilge Karasu's Göçmüş Kediler Bahçesi translated into English as The Garden of Departed Cats by applying George Steiner's hermeneutic motion approach. One of the most difficult... more
This study aims to analyze the process of translation in Bilge Karasu's Göçmüş Kediler Bahçesi translated into English as The Garden of Departed Cats by applying George Steiner's hermeneutic motion approach. One of the most difficult writers of Turkish Literature, Bilge Karasu hasn't experienced his well-deserved attention. Although he can be defined as the first postmodernist writer of Turkish literature having a unique style, he has not gained a primary position in Turkish literary environment. Known as his most mature work, The Garden of Departed Cats can be identified as a deconstructed fairy tale. The book exhibits certain traps for a usual reader and as a reader himself, the translator carries paramount importance in introducing the book into another culture. Therefore, examining the functioning mind of the translator reveals key facts about the book itself and its circulation in other languages. At this point, George Steiner's fourfold model presents an ideal framework to study the process of translation. Steiner suggests hermeneutic motion under four phases namely as initiative trust, aggression, embodiment, and restitution. By studying the translation of The Garden of Departed Cats within the framework of hermeneutic motion, the paper tries to move away from dichotomies such as right or wrong, faithful or unfaithful. Instead, the consistency in translation will be evaluated by perceiving the two cultures as 'guest' and 'host' cultures and thus providing the chance to have more latitude towards each of the cultures and regard them on their own account.
- by International Journal of English Language and Translation Studies
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The Theory And Practice Of Translation Nida Taber Pdf Reader
Transitional signals are very important in writing essays. Therefore, this research aimed to find out the types of transitional signals and their accuracy in sentences. The research used a descriptive quantitative method. There were 68... more
Transitional signals are very important in writing essays. Therefore, this research aimed to find out the types of transitional signals and their accuracy in sentences. The research used a descriptive quantitative method. There were 68 students taken randomly from the population. The instrument used to collect data was a writing test. The transitional signals analyzed were transitional signals for adding ideas and emphasizing, showing contrast and comparison, showing cause and effect, providing examples, introducing sequence, and summarizing. The findings of this research showed that the total of transitional signals used by the students were 203 transitional signals. More detailed for each type from the first until the sixth type were 35, 32, 17, 5, 95, and 19. Moreover, the percentage of the accuracy was 83%. The orders from the first until the sixth types of transitional signals were 86% adding ideas, 78% emphasizing, 94% showing contrast and comparison, 80% showing cause and effect, 84% providing examples, and 69% introducing time order or sequence, and summarizing. In other words, the most widely used transitional signal was transitional signals for introducing time order and sequence while the highest percentage of accuracy was transitional signals for providing examples.
- by International Journal of English Language and Translation Studies
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The Theory And Practice Of Translation Nida Taber Pdf Reader Download
Although argumentation theory can contribute to translation studies and especially translation quality assessment (TQA), argumentation models need to be further expanded to specifically serve the process of translation. How an argument is... more
Although argumentation theory can contribute to translation studies and especially translation quality assessment (TQA), argumentation models need to be further expanded to specifically serve the process of translation. How an argument is embedded within a larger body of text (e.g. a book chapter), and how the argument-related structural pieces are put together through textual progression represent some of the challenging questions that assessors/practitioners of translation need to deal with. This study proposes a holistic, multi-genre TQA framework that relies on narrative theory and argumentation theory. Pragma-dialectics (including argument scheme and structure) shapes the argumentative parcel, while the notion of narrative coherence, with reference to Ricoeur’s configuration, builds the narrative component. The framework is tested on an English translation of a Rumi’s chapter in his major book Fihi Ma Fihi (Discourses of Rumi). The findings show that the framework, as a multifaceted TQA instrument, can functionally process arguments in narratives.
The Theory And Practice Of Translation Nida Taber Pdf Reader Pdf
- by Mohammad Ali Kharmandar
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The Theory And Practice Of Translation
The use of Translation in Language Teaching (TILT) has had many ups and downs during the history. While it was dominant during Grammar Translation Method (GTM), by the advent of the 'Direct Method' and 'Reform Movement', its use was... more
The use of Translation in Language Teaching (TILT) has had many ups and downs during the history. While it was dominant during Grammar Translation Method (GTM), by the advent of the 'Direct Method' and 'Reform Movement', its use was completely prohibited in language classes based on the assumption that using L1 in foreign/second language classes can cause interference. However, recently some scholars have called for the revival of TILT as they believed that translation can facilitate the process of language learning and preserve learners' identity. The aim of this study was to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using TILT from linguistic, humanistic and practical perspectives. For so doing, a questionnaire was distributed among 122 Iranian EFL learners to examine their perceptions in this regard. The results indicated that Iranian EFL learners had a positive attitude toward the use of TILT which further substantiated the benefits of 'judicious' use of students' L1 in language classes. The results were discussed and the recommendations were made.
- by International Journal of English Language and Translation Studies
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