Result Processing System Pdf

People, things, ideas and events. Data are represented by symbols such as letters of the alphabets, numerals or other special symbols. Data processing is the act of handling or manipulating data in some fashion. Regardless of the activities involved in it, processing tries to assign meaning to data. Automated Result Processing System (DRARPS). Portable document format (pdf) files, website, results and notices. This was developed using the programming language below: i.

Proposed as a multi-user software, this Student Result Processing System is developed in Java programming language. The main aim of this project is to store the result scores of students, process the scores in user-defined way and produce their results in the form of report cards or other analysis charts. In this web-based software, both grading pattern and examination pattern are user configurable.

The complete materials/resources of Student Result Processing System Software can be accessed from the download links in this post. The download file consists of complete source code, database details, paper presentation – ppt, project report and documentation. Below, I’ve briefly described the scope, features, modules and system specifications of this result processing software application.

Download Student Result Processing System Java Project


Download Student Result Processing System Java Projectwith Source Code, Project Report, Documentation, and ppt


About Student Result Processing System:

This software is primarily aimed for schools and colleges to evaluate the performances of both students and teachers. The system can generate performance reports such as progress reports, merit lists, etc. for both students and teachers.

Merit listing is done for individual subjects by totaling marks for a class. Student performance in every subject can be processed. Also, teachers’ performance for various classes and subjects can be compared.

Existing System:

In the manual student result processing system, all the database commands have to typed by the users. This procedure is very time consuming, and is limited to a single system. If someone want to get information about a particular subject score, teacher’s performance or any other contact, they have to contact the administrator handling the system.

Proposed System:

In the proposed system, there are various controls to provide user friendliness. Details can be accessed over the internet, and huge amount of data, records and information can be stored. It provides high level of security, and there is no risk of data mismanagement. The overall result processing system is easier, flexible and requires less time.

Result Processing System Pdf Download


Result Processing System Pdf
  • The grading system is user configurable.
  • The examination system is user configurable.
  • The system provides examinations-weight age handling.
  • There is provision of calculated as well as average column management.
  • The system provides management of grace marks.
  • Sub-subjects marks can be entered and managed in the system as user desires.
  • There is a special analysis section in the system which can be used for various purposes.

Modules Overview:

There are three users or modules in student result processing software. They are briefly described below:

  1. Administrator Module: They can log in to they system with their unique id (username and password). Administrators can view and update various things such as personal details of students, staffs and their own, attendance and results of students, schedules, etc. Being a web-based project, this software system allows admins to send emails to students once their marks have been updated on the database.
  2. Staff Module: Staffs are required to log in to they system with their unique log in id consisting of username and password. They can view and update personal details of their own as well as of students. They can further view results and attendances of students and view schedules as well.
  3. Student Module: As in the administrator and staff module, students have their unique username and password to log in to the system. They can view and update their personal details. They can also view schedules and their details regarding attendance and results.


System Requirements/Specifications:

1. Hardware Specifications:

  • Processor : Standard processor with a speed of 1.6 GHz or more
  • Hard Disk : 20 GB or more
  • RAM : 256 MB RAM or more
  • Keyboard : Standard keyboard
  • Mouse : Standard mouse
  • Monitor : Standard color monitor

2. Software Specifications:

  • Operating System : Window 2000, XP
  • User interface : Java, Servlets, JSP
  • Database : MySQL
  • Documentation Tool : Ms Office

Result Processing System Pdf Pdf

Also see,
Online Examination Management System
Student Result Automation System
More Java Projects

Result Processing System Pdf Online


Er Diagram For Student Result Processing System

The proposed Student Result Processing System Project is a very effective plus efficient GUI-based component. This software is well tested; it works properly to meet the user requirements as described in the project. Currently the system is web-based giving all the required student result details; various future enhancements such as result printing, aggregate calculation, etc. can be incorporated into the system.