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Start studying Army Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Maintenance support operations structure and how it works. Performance observation and reporting is the foundation of the Army maintenance program and is the.
This chapter contains the following topics:
15.1 Understanding PM Schedules
Use the programs on the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Plant & Equipment Maintenance menu (G1315) to plan, monitor, and complete routine maintenance operations to minimize equipment breakdowns and unscheduled repairs.
When you manage the equipment maintenance needs, you define the type and frequency of each maintenance task for each piece of equipment in the organization. The PM cycle refers to the sequence of events that make up a maintenance task, from its definition to its completion. Because most PM tasks are commonly performed at scheduled intervals, parts of the PM cycle repeat, based on those intervals.
You should be familiar with the following terms and concepts that are related to the PM cycle.

15.1.1 Service Type
You define service types to describe individual preventive maintenance tasks. You can define as many service types as you need. You can set up service types to apply to a particular piece of equipment or a class of equipment. Examples of service types include:
250-hour inspection
Clutch adjustment
Lubricate ventilation fan
10,000-hour engine rebuild
15.1.2 PM
A PM refers to one or more service types that are scheduled to be performed for a piece of equipment. You typically specify that a PM be performed at a predefined point in time. The point in time can be based on days, date, or when a piece of equipment accumulates a predefined number of statistical units, such as hours, miles, and so on. You identify how many units have accumulated for each piece of equipment by periodically entering equipment meter readings.
15.1.3 Preventive Maintenance Schedule
You create one PM schedule for each piece of equipment for which you want to perform PMs. The PM schedule defines which service types apply to a piece of equipment. The PM schedule also defines the service interval for each service type. A service interval refers to the frequency at which the service types are performed.
For example, you could create a PM schedule for a piece of equipment that schedules a belt inspection every 5,000 hours and a mandatory belt replacement every 20,000 hours.
15.1.4 PM Status
When the system creates a record for a PM, it assigns an initial status of 01 (Maintenance Task Defined). You define other statuses to indicate the particular steps that a PM goes through before it is completed.
When you complete a PM, the system assigns it a status of 99 (Maintenance Complete).
15.1.5 Primary Procedures
Although the level of complexity of the PM cycle differs from company to company, a typical PM cycle includes these procedures:
Creating PM schedules for each piece of equipment.
Scheduling PMs.
Completing PMs.
15.1.6 PM Schedule Creation for Each Piece of Equipment
When you create a PM schedule, you include the service types that the equipment requires and the intervals at which the service types must be performed.
15.1.7 PM Scheduling
You schedule maintenance by periodically updating PM schedule information. When you update PM schedule information, the system determines which service types are due to be performed based on meter readings, dates, and other user-defined criteria. If service types are due to be performed, the system updates the PM status. In addition, depending on how you set up the system, the system generates a PM work order.
15.1.8 PM Completion
You indicate when maintenance has been performed by completing PMs and PM work orders. When you complete a PM, the system creates a historical record of it. For most service types other than warranty service types, the system then generates a new PM that is based on statistical information that you gather when you perform the maintenance. The system does not generate a new PM for warranty service types.
15.2 Understanding PM Cycle Events
This diagram illustrates the progression of events in a typical maintenance cycle:
Figure 15-1 Preventive maintenance cycle
Description of 'Figure 15-1 Preventive maintenance cycle'
15.3 Understanding PM Process Flow
This diagram illustrates the progression of a typical PM process:
Figure 15-2 Preventive maintenance process flow
Description of 'Figure 15-2 Preventive maintenance process flow'
15.4 Common Elements Used in This Chapter
Enter a user-defined code that describes the preventive maintenance service to be performed or the service type for the work order.
Examples of codes include CLUTCH for adjust clutch, OIL for change oil, and 10H for 10-hour service.
15.5 Creating a PM Schedule
This section provides an overview of PM schedule creation, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to create a PM schedule.
15.5.1 Understanding PM Schedule Creation
You create a PM schedule for each piece of equipment that you want to maintain. On each PM schedule, you indicate all of the service types that you want to associate with the piece of equipment. You also specify the rules governing how and when the service types are performed. Service types can be for regularly scheduled maintenance as well as for unscheduled maintenance tasks, such as cleaning on an as-needed basis or repairing at the point of an equipment failure alert.
In addition, you can use PM schedules and service types to signal warranty service; equipment messages such as warnings and problem reports; and other planning events that are not necessarily associated with preventive maintenance tasks, such as license renewals and recertifications.
15.5.2 Prerequisites
Verify that these items are set up:
Service types codes from the user-defined code (UDC) table 12/ST (Service Types).
Work order priority codes from UDC 00/PR (Work Order Priority).
Standard procedures.
Before you complete the tasks in this section:
Create equipment records for all of the pieces of equipment that you want to maintain.
Set up the parts lists and work order instructions.
Create a model work order.
15.5.3 Forms Used to Create a PM Schedule
Form Name | FormID | Navigation | Usage |
Work with Equipment PM Schedule | W1207A | Plant & Equipment Maintenance (G1315), Equipment PM Schedule Daily Condition-Based Maintenance Processing (G13CBM10), Equipment PM Schedule | Add an equipment number. |
Equipment PM Schedule | W1207B | Enter an equipment number and click Add on the Work with Equipment PM Schedule form. | Create a PM schedule. Enter the service type and schedule type, and then complete the remaining optional fields. |
PM Classification | W1207F | Select PM Classification from the Form menu on the Equipment PM Schedule form. | Complete optional fields such as Maintenance Priority, Downtime, and Business Unit. |
15.5.4 Creating a PM Schedule
Access the Equipment PM Schedule form.
Figure 15-3 Equipment PM Schedule
Description of 'Figure 15-3 Equipment PM Schedule'
The schedule intervals that are associated with the six meter readings will be disabled if the Allow Meter Schedules option is not selected on the equipment master record.Enter a value from UDC 13/ST (Schedule Type) that indicates the type of maintenance schedule. Values are:
Blank: Interval-Based Schedule. This type of preventive maintenance schedule uses a service interval to determine when maintenance should be performed. Examples include an oil change that occurs every 3000 miles or an inspection that occurs every 30 days.
1: Unscheduled Maintenance. This type of preventive maintenance schedule entails maintenance that is performed on an ad hoc basis. You use the Work With Unscheduled Maintenance program (P13UM) to specify when the scheduled maintenance should be performed. Examples include replacing a windshield or washing a vehicle.
2: Condition-Based Schedule. This type of preventive maintenance schedule uses an alert level, indicated by the condition of the equipment, to determine when maintenance should be performed. Examples include replacing tires based on their tread depth or replacing an electric motor that is overheating.
Enter the hour interval for maintenance.
For example, tractors typically run 100 hours before needing an oil change. This field is the number of hours in the interval between maintenance occurrences.
Enter the mileage interval for maintenance.
This field is the number of miles in the interval between maintenance occurrences.
Enter the fuel interval for maintenance.
This field is the amount of fuel in the interval between maintenance occurrences.
Enter the meter 4 interval for maintenance.
This field is the interval between maintenance occurrences.
Enter the meter 5 interval for maintenance.
This field is the interval between maintenance occurrences.
Enter the meter 6 interval for maintenance.
This field is the interval between maintenance occurrences.
Enter the number of days to elapse before you schedule maintenance.
You can enter a service interval based on service days and schedule date. If you enter both service days and a schedule date, the system schedules the maintenance to come due based on the schedule date.
The system calculates subsequent schedule dates for maintenance based on the last completed date in conjunction with the service days interval.
Enter the date that you want to receive a reminder message about an asset.
This is the future date on which the scheduled maintenance is due. You can enter a service interval based on the schedule date and service days. If you enter both a schedule date and service days, the system schedules the maintenance to come due based on the schedule date that you indicate.
Subsequent schedule dates for maintenance are calculated based on the last completed date in conjunction with either the service days interval or frequency indicator.
Indicate the frequency at which the system schedules maintenance when used in conjunction with Schedule Date.
When maintenance is completed, the system automatically schedules the next maintenance according to the value that you enter in this field. Values are:
Blank: No frequency indicator.
1: Same date each month.
2: Last date each month.
3: Same date each quarter.
4: Same date each year.
5: Same day each week.
6: Semiannually (same date at six month intervals).
Enter a code to determine whether maintenance service types can be rescheduled and can come due again before the maintenance task for the originally scheduled service type has been completed. Values are:
Blank: One cycle (default). Maintenance is not rescheduled until the original maintenance task has been completed.
1: Multiple cycle with multiple work orders. When the service type has come due, it is automatically rescheduled to come due again regardless of whether the original maintenance is completed. Multiple work orders can accrue.
2: Multiple cycle. When the service type has come due, it is automatically rescheduled to come due again regardless of whether the original maintenance is completed. Only one work order can accrue.
3: Maintenance route. The Update PM Schedule program assigns the Maintenance route code to PM schedules that are generated through maintenance routes. These PM schedules are not repeated in the PM cycle. Maintenance tasks for all equipment indicated in the maintenance route are performed under a single work order.
This value is a system-generated value. You should not manually enter a value of 3 in the Multiple W.O. Code field.4: Warranty. A code that indicates that the equipment is under warranty. The system provides a warning on the Work Order Inventory Issues form and the Purchase Request form (when accessed from the Work Order Parts Detail form).
When a PM that includes warranty service types is completed, the system includes the warranty service in the PM history record, but does not reschedule the warranty service types.
Enter a value from UDC 13/AL (Alert Level) that indicates the functional status of a piece of equipment, as assessed by a condition-based maintenance system.
For maintenance schedules that are condition based, the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Plant and Equipment Management system uses this code to determine whether maintenance is due.
The system does not typically update the Alert Level field from this form. Typically, you manually update the alert level from the PM Backlog (P12071) program or automatically by a condition-based alert that comes into the system.Enter the date of last maintenance.
Enter a model work order.
Enter a list of valid codes for a specific UDC list.
Enter the estimated number of occurrences per year for the service type.
The PM Projections program uses information from this field, in combination with the last completed date, to project future schedule requirements.
You can use processing options to automatically calculate the estimated occurrences, based on:
One year of PM history.
Two years of PM history.
Inception-to-date PM history.
If you use processing options to calculate the estimated occurrences, you cannot manually update this field.
15.6 Linking Service Types
This section provides an overview of linking service types, and discusses how to link service types.
15.6.1 Understanding Linking Service Types
For each piece of equipment that you maintain, you can link several related service types to a primary service type. For example, for a particular piece of equipment, you might set up:
A primary service type for a 1000-hour inspection.
A linked service type for a 500-hour inspection.
When the primary service type is scheduled to be performed, the linked service types are scheduled at the same time. This synchronization reduces equipment downtime and the possibility of performing unnecessary maintenance.
You use threshold percentages to specify when the system should include the maintenance tasks for linked service types when it schedules the primary service type. A threshold percentage is the percentage of a service interval that you define as the initiation point for maintenance to be scheduled. For example, you might set up a service type to be scheduled every 100 hours with a threshold percentage of 90 percent. When the equipment accumulates 90 hours, the system schedules the maintenance.
The system schedules the related maintenance to be performed with the primary maintenance if the equipment is within the threshold percentage that you specify. If the system has already scheduled the PMs for the linked service types when the primary service type is due to be scheduled, the system might cancel the work orders or process them normally, depending on the current status of the PMs and the maintenance rules that you define for the primary service type.
You can specify whether the system creates a separate work order for each linked service type or combines maintenance tasks for all linked service types into the work order for the primary service type. You can also specify how the system processes work orders that it creates for linked service types that have been scheduled before the primary service type. For example, if the system has already created a work order for a linked service type when the primary service type becomes due, you can specify the status, such as completed or canceled, that the system assigns to the existing work order.
15.6.2 Forms Used to Link Service Types
Form Name | FormID | Navigation | Usage |
Work with Equipment PM Schedule | W1207A | Plant & Equipment Maintenance (G1315), Equipment PM Schedule | Locate a service type. |
Associated Service Types | W1207E | Select a service type on the Work with Equipment PM Schedule form, and then select Associations from the Row menu. | Link service types. |
15.6.3 Linking Service Types
Access the Associated Service Types form.
Figure 15-4 Associated Service Types form
Description of 'Figure 15-4 Associated Service Types form'
Enter a code that determines whether a separate work order is used when grouping maintenance tasks together. Values are:
1: The maintenance for separate tasks is done under separate work orders.
2: The maintenance for separate tasks is done under one work order or the maintenance for one task renders the maintenance for the other tasks unnecessary. If you are combining work orders, the system assigns a canceled work order status to any outstanding work order. For example, if you combine work orders for a 250-hour service and a 500-hour service, the system assigns a canceled work order status to the work order for the 250-hour service.
Enter a percentage measure that indicates how soon a piece of equipment needs maintenance.
This percentage is based on the greater of the actual date, miles, hours, or fuel consumption. A percentage of 090 indicates that the piece of equipment is almost due for maintenance. A percentage greater than 100 indicates that maintenance is past due.
The system uses this percentage to determine when to initiate the maintenance schedule. If the maintenance schedule is greater than or equal to the threshold percent, the schedule becomes due.
Miles, hours, and fuel are only examples of statistical units. You can define other statistical units that are appropriate to the organization within the automatic accounting instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Plant and Equipment Management.
The Threshold Percent field is not used for condition-based schedules. Condition-based schedules are initiated only by their alert-level value.Enter a daily measure of how close an equipment maintenance line item is to being eligible for being performed, taking into account the greater of the actual date, miles, hours, or fuel consumption compared to the threshold date, miles, hours, or fuel consumption.
Miles, hours, and fuel are only examples of statistical units. You can define other statistical units appropriate to the organization within the automatic accounting instructions for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Plant and Equipment Management.15.7 Creating a Maintenance Route
This section provides an overview of maintenance routes, lists prerequisites, and lists the forms that are used to create a maintenance route.
15.7.1 Understanding Maintenance Routes
Create a maintenance route when you need to perform identical routine maintenance tasks, such as equipment inspections, on multiple pieces of equipment.
When you use maintenance routes, you eliminate the need for separate work orders for each piece of equipment within the maintenance route. For example, if you have 25 pumps of a similar style and configuration for which you perform a routine inspection every week, you can:
Set up a PM service type to perform a weekly inspection for one pump.
Apply the other pumps to the PM for the first pump.
When the service type for the weekly inspection comes due, the system generates a PM for each pump, but generates only one work order for the original pump. When the system creates a work order for a maintenance route PM, it stores the associated equipment in the work order record type that you specify in equipment constants.
You complete the work order for a maintenance route by accessing the work order directly from Work With Work Orders (P48201) or by using Preventive Maintenance Backlog (P12071).
When you complete the work order, the system indicates a completed status for all of the pieces of equipment that are included in the maintenance route. Use this method when you have completed the maintenance task for all of the pieces of equipment.
The system recycles only the original PM. It does not recycle the PMs for the associated equipment.
You can create a maintenance route by using a virtual or logical piece of equipment, such as a production line or department. The logical equipment encompasses the equipment that you want to include in the route. If you use a logical piece of equipment as the basis for a maintenance route, you must create an equipment master for the logical piece of equipment.
You use Preventive Maintenance Backlog to specify individual pieces of equipment for which you want to indicate a status of complete. This action is useful if you have completed the maintenance task for some of the equipment in a maintenance route but do not want to indicate a status of complete for other equipment. For example, a piece of equipment that is scheduled for inspection might not be available on the date of the inspection.
When you use the Preventive Maintenance Backlog program to complete individual PMs, the status of the work order remains open. To complete the work order for a maintenance route, you must manually change the work order status.
15.7.2 Prerequisites
Before you complete the tasks in this section:
Set up PM service types for maintenance route tasks.
Create a PM schedule that includes the service type or types for which you want to establish maintenance routes.
15.7.3 Forms Used to Create a Maintenance Route
Form Name | FormID | Navigation | Usage |
Work with Equipment PM Schedule | W1207A | Plant & Equipment Maintenance (G1315), Equipment PM Schedule | Locate service types. |
Equipment Routes | W1207D | Select a service type on the Work with Equipment PM Schedule form, and then select Routes from the Row menu. | Enter the equipment number for each piece of equipment that you want to include on the maintenance route. |
15.8 Working with Model PM Schedules
This section provides an overview of model PM schedules and discusses how to set processing options for the Equipment PM Schedule program (P1207).

15.8.1 Understanding Model PM Schedules
Use model PM schedules to store preventive maintenance schedule information that you want to apply to multiple pieces of equipment. You create model PM schedules that are based on combinations of equipment category codes. When you need to create PM schedules for equipment, you can use a model PM schedule that contains the appropriate category codes.
The system stores model PM schedules in a table that it accesses when you apply a particular model to a piece of equipment. When you apply a model PM schedule to a piece of equipment, the system creates a unique record that you can modify to satisfy the maintenance requirements of that equipment. The model PM schedule remains unaltered and can be applied to other equipment as needed.
You create model PM schedules when you have multiple pieces of similar equipment for which a single PM schedule can apply. You create model PM schedules based on combinations of equipment category codes. After you apply a model PM schedule to a piece of equipment, you can modify the schedule to satisfy the particular requirements of the equipment without affecting the model.
After you create a model PM schedule, you can apply it to any piece of equipment, based on the category codes that you set up. After you apply a model PM schedule to a piece of equipment, you can modify the PM schedule to satisfy any unique maintenance requirements of the equipment. For example, you can delete a service type from the PM schedule for the equipment.
15.8.2 Forms Used to Work with Model PM Schedules
Form Name | FormID | Navigation | Usage |
Work With Equipment PM Schedule | W1207A | Plant & Equipment Maintenance (G1315), Equipment PM Schedule Select Model PM from the Form menu. | Access the Model PM. |
Work with Model PM Schedules | W1207C | Select Model PM from the Form menu on the Work with Equipment PM Schedule form. | Select to add or copy a model PM schedule. |
Model PM Schedule | W1207H | Click Add on the Work with Model PM Schedules form. | Complete the schedule information. |
Equipment PM Schedule | W1207B | Select a service type on the Work with Equipment PM Schedule form, and click Select. | Modify the service type, and click OK to save the changes. |
15.8.3 Setting Processing Options for the Equipment PM Schedule Program (P1207)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Default
Specify the time period that the system uses to calculate the estimated occurrences of preventive maintenance. Values are:
Blank: Do not calculate estimated occurrences.
1: Calculate estimated occurrences based on one year of preventive maintenance history.
2: Calculate estimated occurrences based on two years of preventive maintenance history.
3: Calculate estimated occurrences based on preventive maintenance history from inception to the current date. Versions
Specify the version that the system uses for the Work Order Revisions program (P17714).
Blank: ZJDE0003
15.9 Updating PM Schedule Status Information
This section provides an overview of updating PM schedule status information, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to set processing options for the Update PM Schedule Status program (R12807).
15.9.1 Understanding Updating PM Schedule Status Information
Update the PM schedule information to change the status of PMs. For example, you can specify that the system update all PMs from status 01 (Maintenance Task Defined) to status 50 (Maintenance Due) for all pieces of equipment that are due for scheduled maintenance, based on their service intervals. You can also change the status of a PM before the equipment reaches its scheduled maintenance interval to enable time for scheduling parts and labor resources. In addition, you can specify which PMs you need to update, as well as the date when the update becomes effective. Maintenance rules determine the maintenance status that is assigned to each PM service type when you update PM schedule information.
Update PM Schedule Status (R12807) is a batch program. When you select Update PM Schedule Status, the system displays Work With Batch Versions - Available Versions before submitting the job for processing. When you run this program, the system automatically:
Updates the current meter readings.
Only the meters that are in use are displayed on the printed report.
Calculates the current maintenance interval, based on the last maintenance performed.
Calculates the percentage due based on all intervals that are defined on the PM schedule to determine whether the service is required.
Checks the Allowed Meter Schedules flag on the equipment to determine whether to use the process meter calculations.
Changes the status for each PM service type, if necessary.
Generates PM work orders, if necessary.
When you update a PM for a maintenance route, the system creates a PM for each piece of equipment in the route, but it creates only one work order.
When you change or update a warranty PM service type to Complete, the system does not create a new PM cycle for that service type and piece of equipment.
Depending on whether you specified multiple work orders on the PM schedule for a service type that is due to be performed, the system might create a new PM cycle, regardless of the status of the maintenance task. If you do not want the system to recycle the PM for the service type until previously scheduled maintenance has been completed, you must leave the Multiple Work Order field blank when you create or revise the PM schedule. Other values for this field enable the system to reschedule the maintenance task and accrue multiple work orders.15.9.2 Prerequisite
Create model work orders.
See Creating Model Work Orders.
Select one of these navigations:
For Capital Asset Management: Plant & Equipment Maintenance (G1315), Update PM Schedule Status.
For Condition-Based Maintenance: Daily Condition-Based Maintenance Processing (G13CBM10), Update PM Schedule Status.
15.9.3 Setting Processing Options for the Update PM Schedule Status Program (R12807)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Defaults
Specify the through date that the system uses when calculating the percentage due.
The system uses this date to determine whether the preventive maintenance schedule is due as of this through date.
Blank: System date
Specify the number of days by which you want the system to advance the through date.
The through date pertains to the first processing option in Update PM Schedule Status (R12807). For example, if you enter 30 in this field, the system advances the through date by 30 days.
If you leave the Through Date field blank in the processing options for Update PM Schedule Status, the system adds the days that you enter here to the current date.Specify the PM status range that the system uses to determine whether maintenance is due.
Blank: Use the default value for Data Dictionary Item MSTS.
Specify the PM status range that the system uses to determine whether maintenance is due.
Blank: Use the default value for Data Dictionary Item MSTS.
Specify the status to which the PMs change.
Blank: Status from maintenance rule.
Specify the address book number of the recipient of job status messages that result from the Update PM Schedule Status program (R12807).
Blank: The system uses the address book number of the current user. Print
Specify whether the system prints the Update PM Schedule Status report (R12807). Values are:
Blank: Do not print the report.
1: Print the report.
Specify which equipment number the system displays on the Update PM Schedule Status report (R12807). Values are:
1: Display the asset number.
2: Display the unit number.
3: Display the serial number. Edit
Specify whether the system creates work orders for qualifying maintenance items that have model work order numbers. Values are:
Blank: Do not create a work order.
1: Create a work order.
Specific Start Date:
Specify a specific start date to use when creating assigned work orders.
If you enter a value for this processing option, the Default System Date, and Project the PM and WO Start Date processing options should be set to blank.Default System Date:
Specify the date to use when creating assigned work orders. Values are:
Blank: Do not use the system date.
1: Use the system date.
If you enter 1 for this processing option, the Specific Start Date, Project PM, and WO Start Date processing options should be set to blank.Project the PM and WO Start Date:
Specify whether the system forecasts the start date for preventive maintenance and work orders. Values are:
Blank: Do not forecast the start date.
1: Forecast the start date.
Specify whether the system allows projected start dates to be calculated as dates in the past. Values are:
Army Command Maintenance Discipline Program
Blank: Do not allow dates in the past.
If you leave this processing option blank and a past date is calculated, the system uses the system date.
1: Allow dates in the past.
Specify the value for the work order cross-reference. Values are:
Blank: Equipment's immediate parent.
1: Equipment's top level parent.
2: Value from model work order.
Specify an option to automatically create individual resource assignments based on the Assigned To (ANP) address book number on the new work order.
The system verifies that the address book number appears in the Resource Master table (F48310).
This processing option applies only when the Update PM Schedule Status program (R12807) creates a work order, not when the program updates an existing work order. Values are:
Blank: Do not create assignments.
1: Create assignments.
Specify a work center for which the system generates only work orders for service types, the model work orders of which include the specified work center in their routing instructions.
When you specify a work center, the program does not generate work orders for service types that have come due, but whose model work orders do not include the specified work center in their routing instructions.
Blank: Do not screen service types.
Specify whether the system updates the last completed statistics for all selected records as of the last completed date. Values are:
Blank: Do not update the last completed statistics.
1: Update the last completed statistics.
If you select to update the last completed statistics, use data selection to limit the updated records to only preventive maintenance records that are not complete. Doing so limits excessive processing time.Specify how the system calculates estimated occurrences of a PM. Values are:
Blank: Do not calculate.
1: Calculate occurrences based on one year of PM history.
2: Calculate occurrences based on two years of PM history.
3: Calculate occurrences based on PM history from inception to date.
4: Do not calculate estimated occurrences (default).
Specify the forecast type that the system uses to determine whether the assigned work order and labor detail created should be added to the schedule for crew scheduling. If this processing option is populated, the system will check the PM Projections (F13411) table using the asset number, service type, forecast type, and work order date to determine whether the work should be added to the schedule. If the record that is found in the PM Projections table indicates that the work should be added to the schedule, the document type will be checked against UDC 48/RL (Resource Level) to determine whether the schedule records are created at the work order or labor detail level.
If you have this processing option populated, you must be using the work order start date processing option that projects the work order and PM start date. You should not use the processing options that enable you to either enter a specific date or use the system date. Versions
Specify the version that the system uses for the Work Order Parts Detail program (P17730).
Blank: ZJDE0002
Specify the version that the system uses for the Work Order Labor Detail program (P17732).
Blank: ZJDE0002
15.10 Changing the Status of PMs to Complete
This section provides an overview of changing the status of PMs to complete and discusses how to:
Change the status of PMs to complete.
Set processing options for the Preventive Maintenance Backlog program (P12071).
15.10.1 Understanding Changing the Status of PMs to Complete
You must notify the system when you have completed or canceled a PM for a piece of equipment. You do so by changing the status of the PM to complete or canceled. When you change the status, the system:
Maintains a record of the PM with a status of 99 (complete) or 98 (canceled).
Generates a new PM with a status of 01 and begins a new PM cycle (depending on the value of the multiple work order flag on the PM schedule).
The system does not begin a new PM cycle for warranty service types or maintenance routes.
You can change the status of PMs by individual piece of equipment or globally by using search criteria to select PMs for a group of equipment.
You can use processing options to specify whether you want the system to display actual meter readings or lifetime maintenance amounts on the preventive maintenance schedule. The actual meter reading is the number that appears on the physical meter that is located on a piece of equipment. The lifetime maintenance amount is the total lifetime use of the equipment. In cases such as meter changes or meter rollovers, the lifetime maintenance amount is not the amount that is displayed on the meter. If you select an actual meter reading for this processing option, you must enter the meter reading as it appears on the actual meter. The system calculates the lifetime maintenance amount from this amount.
When you enter a value in the Status field in the processing options, the system attempts to update the work order status with the PM status if the value is valid. If the value is not valid, no update occurs to the work order status.
Whether you select to display actual meter readings or lifetime maintenance amounts, the system always uses lifetime maintenance amounts to calculate service intervals.
You can globally update multiple PMs when status, completion date, and employee responsible for the PM work order are the same. After you have narrowed the search to a specific group of PMs, select the Global Updates tab, enter values in these fields, and then click OK:
PM Status
Completion Date
The system updates all selected PMs. In addition, when you update the Employee field, the system updates the Assigned To field on the PM work order.
15.10.2 Form Used to Change the Status of PMs to Complete
Form Name | FormID | Navigation | Usage |
PM Backlog | W12071A | Plant & Equipment Maintenance (G1315), PM Backlog Select the General tab. Select the PM Schedule tab. | Change the status of PMs to complete. |
15.10.3 Changing the Status of PMs to Complete
Access the PM Backlog form.
Figure 15-5 PM Backlog form
Description of 'Figure 15-5 PM Backlog form' General
Enter the work order number that is related to a particular equipment maintenance line item.
The system assigns this number from next numbers. PM Schedule
Enter a value from UDC 12/MS (Maintenance Status) that indicates the maintenance status of a piece of equipment, such as 50 for maintenance due or 60 for waiting for parts.
Status code 98 is reserved for canceled maintenance. Status code 99 is reserved for completed maintenance. Status code 01 (default) is reserved for initial maintenance setup.Enter a percentage measure that indicates how close a piece of equipment is to requiring maintenance.
This percentage is based on the greater of the actual date, miles, hours, fuel consumption, meter 4, meter 5, or meter 6 compared to the threshold date, miles, hours, fuel consumption, meter 4, meter 5, or meter 6. A percentage of 090 means that the piece of equipment is 10 percent away from requiring maintenance. A percentage greater than 100 means that maintenance is past due.
15.10.4 Setting Processing Options for the Preventive Maintenance Backlog Program (P12071)
Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports. Defaults
Enter a value from UDC 12/MS (Maintenance Status) that specifies the beginning maintenance status in a range of maintenance statuses.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Enter a value from UDC 12/MS (Maintenance Status) that specifies the ending maintenance status in a range of maintenance statuses.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Enter a value from UDC 12/ST (Service Types) that specifies the default service type.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Specify the due percentage to use as the beginning in a range for the maintenance schedules.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Specify the due percentage to use as the ending in a range for the maintenance schedules.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Specify the amount to be used for the beginning downtime in a range of downtime required amounts.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Specify the amount to be used for the ending downtime in a range of downtime required amounts.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Specify the beginning scheduled date in a range of scheduled dates.
Structure Army Maintenance Program Template
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Army Maintenance Sop
Specify the ending scheduled date in a range of scheduled dates.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Specify the beginning completion date in a range of completion dates.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Specify the ending completion date in a range of completion dates.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Specify the beginning planned start date in a range of planned start dates.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Specify the ending planned start date in a range of planned start dates.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Specify the default location business unit.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules. Enter a value from the Business Unit Master table (F0006).
Specify the default customer number.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules. Enter a value from the Address Book table (F0101).
Specify the default site number.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules. Enter a value from the Address Book table (F0101).
Specify the default product family.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules. Enter a value from UDC 17/PA (Product Family).
Specify the default product model.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules. Enter a value from UDC 17/PM (Product Model). Categories
Enter a value from UDC 13/P1 (PM Category Code 1) that classifies preventive maintenance schedules.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Enter a value from UDC 13/P2 (PM Category Code 2) that classifies preventive maintenance schedules.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Enter a value from UDC 12/C1 (Major Accounting Class) that classifies assets into accounting classes.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Enter a value from UDC 12/C2 (Major Equipment Class) that classifies assets into groups or classes.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Enter a value from UDC 12/C3 (Manufacturer) that classifies assets into groups or classes.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Enter a value from UDC 12/C4 (Model Year) that classifies assets into groups or classes.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Enter a value from UDC 12/C5 (Usage Miles or Hours) that classifies assets into groups or classes.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Enter a value from UDC 12/C6 (Equipment Code) that classifies assets into groups or classes.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Enter a value from UDC 12/C7 (Category Code 7) that classifies assets into groups or classes.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Enter a value from UDC 12/C8 (Division) that classifies assets into groups or classes.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Enter a value from UDC 12/C9 (Category Code 9) that classifies assets into groups or classes.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules.
Enter a value from UDC 12/C0 (Rate Group) that groups similar items for billing.
The system uses this default when searching for preventive maintenance schedules. Display
Specify how the system displays meter readings. Values are:
Blank: Display lifetime maintenance amounts.
1: Display current meter readings.
Specify whether the system displays the Global Update tab on the PM Backlog form. Values are:
Blank: Display the Global Update tab.
1: Do not display the Global Update tab. Process
Specify whether the system updates the completion date on the assigned work order. Values are:
Blank: Do not update the completion date.
1: Update the completion date.
Specify whether the system updates the status on the assigned work order. Values are:
Blank: Do not update the status.
1: Update the status.
Specify whether to automatically create individual resource assignments, based on the Assigned To (ANP) address book number on the new work order.
The system verifies that the address book number appears in the Resource Master table (F48310).
This processing option applies only when the Update PM Schedule Status (R12807) creates a work order, not when the program updates an existing work order.
Values are:
Blank: Do not automatically create assignments.
1: Create assignments.
Specify the alert status that the system uses to update any associated condition-based alerts when the preventive maintenance schedule is canceled (status 98) from the PM Backlog program (P12071).
Blank: The system does not update the alert status.
Specify the alert status that the system uses to update any associated condition-based alerts when the preventive maintenance schedule is completed (status 99) from the PM Backlog program (P12071).
Blank: The system does not update the alert status. Versions
Specify the version that the system uses for the Update PM Schedule Status program (R12807).
Blank: XJDE0001
Specify the version of the Equipment PM Schedule program (P1207) that the system uses.
Blank: ZJDE0001
Specify the version that the system uses for the Work Order Revisions program (P17714).
Blank: ZJDE0003
The structure of the United States Army is complex, and can be interpreted in several different ways: active/reserve, operational/administrative, and branches/functional areas.
This page aims to portray the current overall structure of the US Army.
- 1History
- 3Administrative
- 6Major Operational Units
- 7Branches and functional areas
- 7.1Maneuver, Fires, and Effects (MFE) Branches and Functional Areas
- 7.2Operations Support (OS) Branches and Functional Areas
- 7.3Force Sustainment (FS) Branches and Functional Areas
Prior to 1903, members of the National Guard were considered state soldiers unless federalized by the President. Since the Militia Act of 1903, all National Guard soldiers have held dual status: as National Guardsmen under the authority of the governors of their states and as a reserve of the U.S. Army under the authority of the President.Since the adoption of the total force policy, in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, reserve component soldiers have taken a more active role in U.S. military operations. Reserve and Guard units took part in the Gulf War, peacekeeping in Kosovo, and the 2003 invasion of Iraq.Although the present-day Army exists as an all-volunteer force, augmented by Reserve and National Guard forces, measures exist for emergency expansion in the event of a catastrophic occurrence, such as a large scale attack against the U.S. or the outbreak of a major global war.
The final stage of Army mobilization, known as 'activation of the unorganized militia' would effectively place all able-bodied males in the service of the U.S. Army.
During World War I, the 'National Army' was organized to fight the conflict.[1] It was demobilized at the end of World War I.
After World War I, former units were replaced by the Regular Army, the Organized Reserve Corps, and the State Militias. In the 1920s and 1930s, the 'career' soldiers were known as the 'Regular Army' with the 'Enlisted Reserve Corps' and 'Officer Reserve Corps' augmented to fill vacancies when needed.[2]
In 1941, the 'Army of the United States' was founded to fight World War II. The Regular Army, Army of the United States, the National Guard, and Officer/Enlisted Reserve Corps (ORC and ERC) existed simultaneously.[citation needed]
Post World War II[edit]
After World War II, the ORC and ERC were combined into the United States Army Reserve. The Army of the United States was re-established for the Korean War and Vietnam War and was demobilized upon the suspension of the Draft.[2][dead link]
Active and reserve components[edit]
The United States Army is made up of three components: one active—the Regular Army; and two reserve components—the Army National Guard and the Army Reserve. Both reserve components are primarily composed of part-time soldiers who train once a month, known as Battle Assembly, Unit Training Assemblies (UTAs), or simply 'drills', while typically conducting two to three weeks of annual training each year. Both the Regular Army and the Army Reserve are organized under Title 10 of the United States Code. The National Guard is organized under Title 32. While the Army National Guard is organized, trained, and equipped as a component of the U.S. Army, individual units are under the command of individual states' governors. However, units of the National Guard can be federalized by presidential order and against the governor's wishes.[3]
Headquarters Department of the Army (HQ DA) Staff[edit]
The U.S. Army is led by a civilian Secretary of the Army, who reports to the secretary of defense, and serves as civilian oversight for the U.S. Army chief of staff. The U.S. Army chief of staff is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a body composed of the service chiefs from each service who advise the president and secretary of defense on military matters under the guidance of the chairman and vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Field Operating Agencies[edit]
- Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management and Comptroller (ASA (FM&C))
- Cost and Economic Analysis Agency, MD
- Finance Command, VA
- Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower & Reserve Affairs (ASA (M&RA))
- EEO Agency, DC
- EEO Compliance and Complaints Review Agency, VA
- Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA(ALT))
- Army Contracting Agency (ACA)
- Office of the Auditor General (SAAG)
- United States Army Audit Agency, VA
- Office of the Chief of Public Affairs (OCPA)
- Soldiers Media Center
- Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army (OCSA)
- U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Management Agency, DC
- Center for Army Analysis, VA
- Center of Military History, DC
- U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center, Ala.
- Office of the Army G-8 (Financial Management)[nb 1]
- Center for Army Analysis, VA
- Office of the Army Chief Information Officer/G-6
- Office of the Army G-4
- Logistics Innovation Agency, VA
- Office of the Army G-3/5/7 (Operations/Plans)
- Army War College, PA
- Command and Control Support Agency, VA (not available)
- U.S. Military Observers Group, DC (not available)
- Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence (Army G-2)[4]
- United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)
- Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (Army G-1)
- Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM)
- Installation Support Management Activity
- Office of the Judge Advocate General (OTJAG)
- The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School, VA
- U.S. Army Legal Services Agency, VA
The Office of the Inspector General[edit]
The Inspector General of the Army (IG) maintains open channels of communication for extraordinary issues which might lie outside the purview of the chain of command; it lists points of contact for the 3 Army Commands (ACOMs), the 11 Army Service Component Commands (ASCCs), and 12 Direct Reporting Units (DRUs).[5] IG teams might then be assigned to a case, if need be, to perform inspections, assessments, and investigations.[6]
- Inspector General's Corps
Army Commands[edit]
There are six geographical Unified Combatant Commands (CCMDs).
- United States Army Central headquartered at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina[7]
- United States Army North headquartered at Fort Sam Houston, Texas
- United States Army South headquartered at Fort Sam Houston, Texas
- United States Army Europe headquartered at Lucius D. Clay Kaserne, Wiesbaden, Germany
- United States Army Africa headquartered at Caserma Ederle, Vicenza, Italy[8][9][10]
- United States Army Pacific headquartered at Fort Shafter, Hawaii.
Each command will eventually have a numbered army as operational command, except in the case of U.S. Army Pacific, which will not maintain one but will have a numbered army for U.S. Army forces in the Republic of Korea.
Army Cyber Command is a component of United States Cyber Command. The commander of Army Cyber is also commander of Second Army. Second Army is now a direct reporting unit to the Army CIO/G-6, with CIO reporting to the Secretary of the Army, while G-6 reports to the Army Chief of Staff. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command/9th Army Signal Command (NETCOM/9thSC(A)), formerly reporting directly to the CIO/G-6, is now a component of Second Army.
In addition, the Army's Special Operations Command administers its Joint Operations units; Space and Missile Defense Command provides global satellite-related infrastructure, and missile defense for the combatant commands, and for the nation. The Air Force provides air transport, and Surface Deployment and Distribution Command provides ocean transport.
Headquarters, United States Department of the Army (HQDA):
Army Commands | Current commander | Location of headquarters |
United States Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) | GEN Michael X. Garrett | Fort Bragg, North Carolina |
United States Army Futures Command (AFC) | GEN John M. Murray | Austin, Texas |
United States Army Materiel Command (AMC) | GEN Gustave F. Perna | Redstone Arsenal, Alabama |
United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) | GEN Stephen J. Townsend | Fort Eustis, Virginia |
Army Service Component Commands | Current commander | Location of headquarters |
United States Army Africa (USARAF)/Ninth Army/United States Army Southern European Task Force[11] | MG Roger L. Cloutier, Jr. | Caserma Ederle, Vicenza, Italy |
United States Army Central (ARCENT)/Third Army | LTG Terry Ferrell | Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina |
United States Army Europe (USAREUR)/Seventh Army (U.S.) | LTG Christopher Cavoli | Clay Kaserne, Wiesbaden, Germany |
United States Army North (ARNORTH)/Fifth Army | LTG Jeffrey S. Buchanan | Joint Base San Antonio, Texas |
United States Army Pacific (USARPAC) | GEN Robert B. Brown | Fort Shafter, Hawaii |
United States Army South (ARSOUTH)/Sixth Army | MG Clarence K.K. Chinn | Joint Base San Antonio, Texas |
Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) | MG Stephen E. Farmen | Scott AFB, Illinois |
United States Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER)[12][13][14] | LTG Stephen G. Fogarty | Fort Belvoir, Virginia[15] |
United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command/United States Army Strategic Command (USASMDC/ARSTRAT) | LTG James H. Dickinson | Redstone Arsenal, Alabama |
United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) | LTG Francis M. Beaudette | Fort Bragg, North Carolina |
Operational Force Headquarters | Current commander | Location of headquarters |
Eighth Army (EUSA)[16] | LTG Michael A. Bills | Camp Humphreys, South Korea |
Direct reporting units | Current commander | Location of headquarters |
Arlington National Cemetery and Soldiers' and Airmen's Home National Cemetery[17] | Jack E. Lechner | Arlington, Virginia |
United States Army Marketing and Engagement Brigade (USAMEB)[18] | COL Brian M. Cavanaugh | Fort Knox, Kentucky |
United States Army Acquisition Support Center (USASC)[19] | Craig A. Spisak | Fort Belvoir, Virginia |
United States Army Civilian Human Resources Agency (CHRA)[20] | Barbara P. Panther | Washington, D.C. |
United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) | LTG Todd T. Semonite[21] | Washington, D.C. |
United States Army Criminal Investigation Command (USACIDC) | MG Mark S. Inch | Quantico, Virginia |
United States Army Financial Management Command (USAFMCOM) | MG David C. Coburn | Indianapolis, Indiana[22] |
United States Army Human Resources Command (HRC)[23] | MG Jason T. Evans | Alexandria, Virginia |
United States Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM) | LTG Kenneth R. Dahl | Joint Base San Antonio, Texas |
United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) | MG Christopher S. Ballard | Fort Belvoir, Virginia |
United States Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) | LTG Nadja West | Joint Base San Antonio, Texas |
United States Army Military District of Washington (MDW) | MG Michael L. Howard | Fort Lesley J. McNair, Washington, D.C. |
United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC)[24] | MG Jeffrey J. Snow | Fort Knox, Kentucky |
United States Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) | MG Joel K. Tyler | Alexandria, Virginia |
United States Army War College (AWC)[25] | MG John S. Kem | Carlisle, Pennsylvania |
United States Military Academy (USMA) | LTG Darryl A. Williams | West Point, New York |
Source: U.S. Army organization[26]
Operational unit structure[edit]
Most U.S. Army units can be operationally divided into the following components from largest to smallest:
Army Maintenance Management
- Field army: Formerly consisted of an army headquarters battalion, two corps, army troops (including army field artillery and army air defense artillery groups and brigades, an armored cavalry regiment, army aviation, military intelligence, engineer, and signal groups, and brigades), and a field army support command (FASCOM) consisting of military police, medical, and support (i.e., maintenance, quartermaster, and services) brigades, and transportation and ordnance groups. Now primarily an administrative arrangement, consisting of multiple corps. The last time a multiple-corps army took the field was Third Army directing VII and XVIII Corps during Operation Desert Storm. Armies now also operate as army service component commands (ASCCs) of unified combatant commands, such as Seventh Army/USAREUR. Armies have also effectively operated as military districts formerly in the continental United States. Fifth Army and First Army performed this function up until recently. Usually commanded by a general or lieutenant general
- Corps: Formerly consisted of a corps headquarters and two or more divisions, corps troops (consisting of corps artillery, an armored cavalry regiment, an air defense artillery group, and an army aviation group), an expeditionary sustainment command (ESC) and other organic support brigades. A corps is now designated as an 'operational unit of employment', that may command a flexible number of modular units. Usually commanded by a lieutenant general. 20,000–45,000 soldiers.
- Division: Formerly consisted of a division headquarters company, three maneuver brigades, division artillery (DIVARTY), sustainment brigade, an aviation brigade, an air defense artillery battalion, an armored cavalry squadron, and an engineer brigade, and other support assets. Until the brigade combat team program was developed, the division was the smallest self-sufficient level of organization in the U.S. Army. Current divisions are 'tactical units of employment', and may command a flexible number of modular units, but generally will include three brigade combat teams and a combat aviation brigade, supported by a staff in a headquarters and headquarters battalion. Usually commanded by a major general who is supported by a command sergeant major. Typically consists of 17,000 to 21,000 soldiers, but can grow up to 35 - 40,000 with attached support units.
- Brigade (or group): Composed of three battalions, with a brigadier general or a colonel as commander, supported by a staff in a headquarters and headquarters company. Maneuver brigades have transformed into brigade combat teams, generally consisting of three maneuver battalions, a cavalry squadron, a fires battalion, a special troops battalion (with engineers, signals, and military intelligence), and a command sergeant major and a support battalion. Stryker brigade combat teams have a somewhat larger structure. 3,000–5,000 soldiers.
- Regiment: The Army, for the most part is no longer organized by regiments. Rather, battalions and squadrons maintain regimental affiliations in that they are called (for example), 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry (Regiment is implied) and is written 1–8 Inf. In this case, there is no regimental commander and the battalion is organized as part of a brigade for combat. The exceptions are those units, such as armored cavalry regiments which remain organized, and fight, as a regiment and have a regimental commander. The written designation is easy to distinguish and commonly misused. A 'forward slash' ('/') separates levels of command. 1st Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment is written 1/3 ACR whereas the 1st Battalion, 6th Field Artillery (again, Regiment is implied) is written 1–6 FA.
- Battalion (or cavalry squadron): Normally composed of three companies, troops or batteries and led by a battalion/squadron commander, usually a lieutenant colonel supported by a command sergeant major and a staff in a headquarters and headquarters company/battery/troop. 300–1,000 soldiers.
- Company (or artillery battery/cavalry troop): Designated A to C (plus HQ or support companies/batteries/troops) when in a 3 company/battery battalion or A to D when organized in a 4 company/battery battalion. Regimental troops are designated A to T, depending on the number of troops. The troops are then divided into their like squadrons. Each company/battery/troop is composed of a company/battery/troop headquarters and three platoons, and led by a company/battery/troop commander, usually a first lieutenant, captain or sometimes a major supported by a first sergeant. 62–190 soldiers.
- Platoon: Composed of a platoon headquarters and three squads, led by a platoon leader, usually a second lieutenant supported by a platoon sergeant (sergeant first class). 42 soldiers.
- Section: Usually directed by a sergeant supported by one or two corporals who supplies guidance for junior NCO squad leaders. Often used in conjunction with platoons at the company level. 12-24 soldiers.
- Squad: Composed of two teams and is typically led by a staff sergeant or sergeant. 9 soldiers.
- Team: The smallest unit. A fire team consists of a team leader (usually a sergeant or corporal), a rifleman, a grenadier, and an automatic rifleman. A sniper team consists of a sniper who engages the enemy and a spotter who assists in targeting, team defense, and security. 4 soldiers.
Major Operational Units[edit]
- First United States Army, US Army Forces Command
- Third United States Army, US Army Central
- Fifth United States Army, US Army North
- Sixth United States Army, US Army South
- Seventh United States Army, US Army Europe
- Eighth United States Army, US Army Korea
- Ninth United States Army, US Army Africa
- I Corps headquartered at Fort Lewis, Washington
- III Corps headquartered at Fort Hood, Texas
- XVIII Airborne Corps headquartered at Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Regular Army Divisions
- 7th Infantry Division (Headquarters Only)
Army National Guard Divisions
Separate brigades/regiments[edit]
- 2nd Cavalry Regiment (Stryker brigade combat team) at Vilseck, Germany
- 3rd Cavalry Regiment (Stryker brigade combat team) at Fort Hood, Texas
- 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (multi-compo heavy brigade combat team) at Fort Irwin, California (Not in total below due to its non-deployable role as permanent OPFOR at NTC)
- 75th Ranger Regiment (special operations airborne light infantry) HQ at Fort Benning, Georgia
- 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team (infantry brigade combat team (airborne)) at Vicenza, Italy
- 3rd Infantry Regiment at Fort Myer and Fort McNair, Virginia
US Army Combat Brigades after the current round of deactivations / re-organizations: 31
- 10 Heavy Brigade Combat Teams
- 7 Stryker Brigade Combat Teams
- 7 Infantry Brigade Combat Teams (light)
- 4 Infantry Brigade Combat Teams (airborne)
- 3 Infantry Brigade Combat Teams (air assault)
For 2020, the Army plans to convert one SBCT to a HBCT, and one IBCT to a SBCT, which would bring the totals to 11 HBCTs, 7 SBCTs, and 13 IBCTs.[27]
Smaller units[edit]
Combat formations of the US Army at below brigade level include the United States Army Special Forces groups and several reserve separate battalions (100–442 Inf (USAR), 3-172 Inf (Mtn) (Vermont Army National Guard) etc.).
Branches and functional areas[edit]
Personnel in the Army work in various branches, which is their area of training or expertise. Traditionally, the branches were divided into three groups combat arms, combat support, and combat service support. Currently, the Army classifies its branches as maneuver, fires, and effects; operations support; and force sustainment.
Basic branches - contain groupings of military occupational specialties (MOS) in various functional categories, groups, and areas of the army in which officers are commissioned or appointed (in the case of warrant officers) and indicate an officer's broad specialty area. (For example, Infantry, Signal Corps, and Adjutant General's Corps.) Generally, officers are assigned to sequential positions of increasing responsibility and authority within one of the three functional categories of the army branches (Maneuver, Fires and Effects; Operations Support; Force Sustainment) to develop their leadership and managerial skills to prepare them for higher levels of command. The branches themselves are administrative vice operational command structures that are primarily involved with training, doctrine, and manpower concerns. Each branch has a Branch Chief who is the Head of the Branch and usually serves as the respective branch school commandant or director.
Special branches - contain those groupings of military occupational specialties (MOS) of the army in which officers are commissioned or appointed after completing advanced training and education and/or receiving professional certification in one of the classic professions (i.e., theology, law, or medicine), or other associated health care areas (e.g., dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, registered nurse, physician's assistant). Officers of most special branches are restricted to command of units and activities of their respective department/branch only, regardless of rank or seniority. This means, for example, that Army Medical Department (AMEDD) branch officers may only command AMEDD units and activities. Likewise, Chaplains are essentially 'officers without command' and are ineligible to command operational units and activities. They do, however, supervise junior ranking chaplains and enlisted chaplain's assistants. As an exception to this general rule, JAG Corps officers are eligible to command and may be assigned (with permission from the Judge Advocate General) to non-legal command positions, although ordinarily, like other Special branch officers, a JAG officer will only lead JAG Corps units and activities during their career.[28]
Each branch of the army has a different branch insignia. Per US Army Pamphlet 600-3, dated 1 February 2010, the three functional categories and associated functional groups for the branches and associated functional areas are:[31]
Maneuver, Fires, and Effects (MFE) Branches and Functional Areas[edit]
- Infantry, 14 June 1775
Ten companies of riflemen were authorized by a resolution of the Continental Congress on 14 June 1775. However, the oldest Regular Army infantry regiment, the 3rd Infantry Regiment, was constituted on 3 June 1784, as the First American Regiment.
- Armor, 12 December 1776[29]
The Armor Branch traces its origin to the Cavalry.
A regiment of cavalry was authorized to be raised by the Continental Congress Resolve of 12 December 1776. Although mounted units were raised at various times after the Revolution, the first in continuous service was the United States Regiment of Dragoons, organized in 1833. The Tank Service was formed on 5 March 1918. The Armored Force was formed on 10 July 1940. Armor became a permanent branch of the army in 1950.
- Aviation, 12 April 1983
Following the establishment of the U.S. Air Force as a separate service in 1947, the army began to develop further its own aviation assets (light planes and rotary wing aircraft) in support of ground operations. The Korean War gave this drive impetus, and the war in Vietnam saw its fruition, as army aviation units performed a variety of missions, including reconnaissance, transport, and fire support. After the war in Vietnam, the role of armed helicopters as tank destroyers received new emphasis. In recognition of the growing importance of aviation in army doctrine and operations, aviation became a separate branch on 12 April 1983.
- Cyber Corps, 1 September 2014 (previously Signal Corps Information Systems Management)
- Field Artillery, 17 November 1775
The Continental Congress unanimously elected Henry Knox 'Colonel of the Regiment of Artillery' on 17 November 1775. The regiment formally entered service on 1 January 1776.
- Air Defense Artillery, 20 June 1968
The Air Defense Artillery branch descended from the Anti-Aircraft Artillery (part of the U.S. Army Coast Artillery Corps) into a separate branch on 20 June 1968.
Maneuver Support[edit]
- Corps of Engineers, 16 June 1775
Continental Congress authority for a 'Chief Engineer for the Army' dates from 16 June 1775. A corps of engineers for the United States was authorized by the Congress on 11 March 1789. The Corps of Engineers as it is known today came into being on 16 March 1802, when the President was authorized to 'organize and establish a Corps of Engineers ... that the said Corps ... shall be stationed at West Point in the State of New York and shall constitute a Military Academy.' A Corps of Topographical Engineers, authorized on 4 July 1838, was merged with the Corps of Engineers in March 1863.
- Chemical Corps, 28 June 1918
The Chemical Warfare Service was established on 28 June 1918, combining activities that until then had been dispersed among five separate agencies of government. It was made a permanent branch of the Regular Army by the National Defense Act of 1920. In 1945, it was re-designated the Chemical Corps.
- Military Police Corps, 26 September 1941
A Provost Marshal General's Office and Corps of Military Police were established in 1941. Prior to that time, except during the Civil War and World War I, there was no regularly appointed Provost Marshal General or regularly constituted Military Police Corps, although a 'Provost Marshal' can be found as early as January 1776, and a 'Provost Corps' as early as 1778.
Special Operations Forces[edit]
- Special Forces, 9 April 1987
The first special forces unit in the Army was formed on 11 June 1952, when the 10th Special Forces Group was activated at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. A major expansion of special forces occurred during the 1960s, with a total of eighteen groups organized in the Regular Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard. As a result of renewed emphasis on special operations in the 1980s, the Special Forces Branch was established as a basic branch of the army effective 9 April 1987, by General Order No. 35, 19 June 1987. Special forces are part of U.S. special operations forces
- Psychological Operations, 16 October 2006
Established as a basic branch effective 16 October 2006 per General Order 30, 12 January 2007.
- Civil Affairs Corps, 16 October 2006
The Civil Affairs/Military Government Branch in the Army Reserve Branch was established as a special branch on 17 August 1955. It was subsequently redesignated the Civil Affairs Branch on 2 October 1955, and it has continued its mission to provide guidance to commanders in a broad spectrum of activities ranging from host–guest relationships to the assumption of executive, legislative, and judicial processes in occupied or liberated areas. Became a basic branch effective 16 October 2006 per General Order 29, on 12 January 2007.
- Public Affairs
- Information Operations
Operations Support (OS) Branches and Functional Areas[edit]
Network and Space Operations[edit]
- Signal Corps, 21 June 1860
The Signal Corps was authorized as a separate branch of the army by act of Congress on 3 March 1863. However, the Signal Corps dates its existence from 21 June 1860, when Congress authorized the appointment of one signal officer in the army, and a War Department order carried the following assignment: 'Signal Department – Assistant Surgeon Albert J. Myer to be Signal Officer, with the rank of Major, 27 June 1860, to fill an original vacancy.'
- Information Systems Management
- Telecommunication Systems Engineer
- Space Operations
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) & Area Expertise[edit]
- Military Intelligence Corps, 1 July 1962
Intelligence has been an essential element of army operations during war as well as during periods of peace. In the past, requirements were met by personnel from the Army Intelligence and Army Security Reserve branches, two-year obligated tour officers, one-tour levies on the various branches, and Regular Army officers in the specialization programs. To meet the army's increased requirement for national and tactical intelligence, an Intelligence and Security Branch was established effective 1 July 1962, by General Order No. 38, on 3 July 1962. On 1 July 1967, the branch was re-designated as Military Intelligence.
- Strategic Intelligence
- Foreign Area Officer (FAO)
Plans development[edit]
- Strategic Plans and Policy
- Nuclear and Counterproliferation
Forces development[edit]
- Force Management
- Operations Research/Systems Analysis (ORSA)
- Simulation Operations
Education and Training[edit]
- Permanent Academy Professor
Force Sustainment (FS) Branches and Functional Areas[edit]
Integrated Logistics Corps[edit]
- Quartermaster Corps, 16 June 1775
The Quartermaster Corps, originally designated the Quartermaster Department, was established on 16 June 1775. While numerous additions, deletions, and changes of function have occurred, its basic supply and service support functions have continued in existence.
- Ordnance Corps, 14 May 1812
The Ordnance Department was established by act of Congress on 14 May 1812. During the Revolutionary War, ordnance material was under supervision of the Board of War and Ordnance. Numerous shifts in duties and responsibilities have occurred in the Ordnance Corps since colonial times. It acquired its present designation in 1950. Ordnance soldiers and officers provide maintenance and ammunition support.
- Transportation Corps, 31 July 1942
The history of the Transportation Corps starts with World War I. Prior to that time, transportation operations were chiefly the responsibility of the Quartermaster General. The Transportation Corps, essentially in its present form, was organized on 31 July 1942. The Transportation Corps is headquartered at Fort Lee, Virginia.[32]
- Logistics Corps, 1 January 2008
Us Army Maintenance Program Regulation
Established by General Order 6, 27 November 2007. Consists of multifunctional logistics officers in the rank of captain and above, drawn from the Ordnance, Quartermaster and Transportation Corps.
Soldier Support[edit]
- Human Resources - Adjutant General's Corps, 16 June 1775
The post of Adjutant General was established 16 June 1775, and has been continuously in operation since that time. The Adjutant General's Department, by that name, was established by the act of 3 March 1812, and was re-designated the Adjutant General's Corps in 1950.
Army Maintenance Program Regulation
- Financial Management - Finance Corps, 16 June 1775
The Finance Corps is the successor to the old Pay Department, which was created in June 1775. The Finance Department was created by law on 1 July 1920. It became the Finance Corps in 1950.
Acquisition Corps[edit]
- Acquisition Corps
Special Branches[edit]
- Army Medical Department (AMEDD), 27 July 1775
The Army Medical Department and the Medical Corps trace their origins to 27 July 1775, when the Continental Congress established the army hospital headed by a 'Director General and Chief Physician.' Congress provided a medical organization of the army only in time of war or emergency until 1818, which marked the inception of a permanent and continuous Medical Department. The Army Organization Act of 1950 renamed the Medical Department as the Army Medical Service. In June 1968, the Army Medical Service was re-designated the Army Medical Department. The Medical Department has the following branches:
- Medical Corps, 27 July 1775
- Army Nurse Corps, 2 February 1901
- Dental Corps, 3 March 1911
- Veterinary Corps, 3 June 1916
- Medical Service Corps, 30 June 1917
- Army Medical Specialist Corps, 16 April 1947
- Chaplain Corps, 29 July 1775
The legal origin of the Chaplain Corps is found in a resolution of the Continental Congress, adopted 29 July 1775, which made provision for the pay of chaplains. The Office of the Chief of Chaplains was created by the National Defense Act of 1920.
- Judge Advocate General's Corps, 29 July 1775
The Office of Judge Advocate General of the Army is deemed to have been created on 29 July 1775, the date of appointment of Colonel William Tudor as the first U.S. Army Judge Advocate General.[33] The history of the branch has generally paralleled the origin and development of the American system of military justice. The Judge Advocate General Department, by that name, was established in 1884. Its present designation as a corps was enacted in 1948.
See also[edit]
- ^See the Continental Staff System for an explanation of 'letter-number' (e.g. G-8) designations.
Army Maintenance Program
- ^'World War I'. Archived from the original on 30 August 2009. Retrieved 28 June 2009.
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- ^AR 10-87, ARMY COMMANDS, ARMY SERVICE COMPONENT COMMANDS, AND DIRECT REPORTING UNITS, apd.army.mil, dated 4 September 2007, last accessed 13 January 2017
- ^'Archived copy'(PDF). Archived from the original(PDF) on 3 February 2015. Retrieved 2 February 2015.CS1 maint: Archived copy as title (link)
- ^Organization, United States Army
- ^ Army Times: The Army is converting two BCTs as it beefs up its fighting force for the next big war
- ^http://www.apd.army.mil/jw2/xmldemo/r600_20/main.asp#ch2
- ^ abc'Army Birthdays'. United States Army Center of Military History. 31 July 2009. Retrieved 1 June 2010.
- ^Jannie Zaaiman; Louise Leenan (24 February 2015). Iccws 2015 - The Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security: ICCWS2015. Academic Conferences Limited. pp. 123–124. ISBN978-1-910309-96-4.
- ^'Department of the Army Pamphlet 600-3 (DA PAM 600-3), Commissioned Officer Professional Development and Career Management'(PDF). 1 February 2010. p. 54 (as printed on the source page). Retrieved 29 November 2018 – via http://dopma-ropma.rand.org.
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