How To Use Rtmpdump Windows 7

Viewed 36 times

In this video tutorial i show you how to use RTMPDump with Grab Any Media for download video on some site ( example on Windows 7 ). Require: Grab Any Media ( coming-soon, subscribe to newsletters for news event ) RTMPDump No copyright infringement, in this video i use MTV ONDEMAND website only for example, []. Free Esfsoft Technologies Windows Vista/7/8 Version 1.0 Full Specs. The other core command-line programs rtmpdump.exe is applied to complete downloading RTMP stream video, movie and music. First of all, i am a beginner with this stuff. I am windows 7 user. Im trying some stuff with python recently, but i need a requirement. All other requirements i.

How can i pass the variable of urlsnooper to a command line that use rtmpdump?

These External Application Links will appear in the URL Results context menu, and tell URL Snooperhow to launch your 3rd party applications. Right-click in the box to modify them.

Each entry specifies the text to be displayed in the context menu, the system command to execute,and the arguments for this command.

The following variables can be used to help you specify commandline arguments: $url url string $urlfilename url string (ending filename only) $file full filename (with path) of file containing the url $dir directory where file containing the url resides $offset offset into file where url string begins (in decimal) $offseth offset into file where url string begins (in hex) $length length of url in bytes

i tried to put my cmd file in the commandline of urlsnooper

and then $url;$urlfilename in the command arguments of urlsnooper

the command line of my file (for exanple a.cmd) is

cd ....rtmpdump-2.4rtmpdump -r '$url' -o '$urlfilename.flv' -vpause

but it doesnt work


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Youtube video

Note you need to use the bash-scripts-windows with cygwin




unzip the ffmpeg.7zip file

rename the folder to ffmpeg

copy the ffmpeg to C:

How To Use Rtmpdump Windows 7

How To Use Rtmpdump Windows 7 0


you can run the ff-prompt script to set up ffmpeg with the windows cmd path

or you can manually add it

Install curl

download curl

unzip the download

and rename the folder to curl

then copy the curl folder to your C drive


the path to curl should look like this


you need to add curl to your windows path, see below


Set up your windows path

system properties, advanced system settings, enviormnental variables

add the code below to your windows path

;C:cygwinbin;C:ffmpegbin;C:Program FilesGitcmd;C:%HOMEPATH%gitkodi-playercorefactorybash-scripts-windows;C:curlbin;C:youtube-dlbin;C:windumpbin;C:notify-sendbin;C:aria2cbin

cygwin should install sed and grep which are needed for the scripts

you can double click the cygwin setup exe and re run the installer,which open a windows where you can search for sed and grep,and install them if cygwin doesnt install them automatically for you

git install

Adjusting your Path

select 2nd option for path not git bash shell

Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt

Rtmpdump Windows

Configuring the line endings

select the 2nd option

Checkout as--is, commit Unix-style line endings

Very important you must use Checkout as--is, commit Unix-style line endingsor the scripts wont work

download the kodi-playercorefactory git repository

create a folder called git in your home

open the cmd prompt and change into the git repo

then clone the kodi-playercorefactory git repository

copy the kodi-playercorefactorywindowsplayercorefactory.xml to your kodi userdata foldersee below

open your Windows Start menu and type

then press to open the folder,pin the folder to your file manager sidebar so you find it easily

then copy the kodi-playercorefactorywindowsplayercorefactory.xml to your kodi userdata folder


windows notify-send

Notify-send for Windows site

Notify-send for Windows download link

unzip the

create a folder called notify-send,and then create a folder inside notify-send called bin

then copy the notify-send script into the bin folder

the folder structure should look like this notify-sendbinnotify-send

copy the notify-send folder to your C drive

the path should look like this


add notify-send to windows system path

system properties, advanced system settings, enviormnental variables

system variables, path, edit

add the code below to the end of your windows system path


windows install aria2c

download the zip file

64 bit

32 bit

unzip the file

create a folder called aria2c,and then create a folder inside aria2c called bin

then copy the aria2c script into the bin folder

the folder structure should look like this aria2cbinaria2c

copy the aria2c folder to your C drive

the path should look like this


add aria2c to windows system path

system properties, advanced system settings, enviormnental variables

system variables, path, edit

add the code below to the end of your windows system path
